
做個符合時代潮流的地球村人: 關心國際事,關注家鄉事,關切周遭事!

2010年9月2日 星期四

PG & E的智慧電錶

PG & E智慧電錶經過冗長的隨機樣本調查,證實電表計費本身沒有問題,不過在與客戶溝通的過程有待加強。

第二段文章記載了PG & E的爭議所在,以及在加州初選中的遊說。


Probe finds no problems with PG&E's Smart Meters but criticizes roll out

By Dana Hull 09/02/2010

A long-awaited investigation into PG&E's Smart Meters has found that the residential meters being installed in millions of California homes are "consistent with industry standards and performing accurately."

But the report blasted PG&E for its customer services practices, finding that the San Francisco-based utility did not adequately address customer complaints and concerns about the new technology.

"I am happy to hear that PG&E's Smart Meters are functioning properly, but disturbed by PG&E's lack of customer service and responsiveness," said California Public Utilities Commission president Michael Peevey in a statement released shortly before the PUC's 10 a.m. meeting.

The California Public Utilities Commission hired the Structure Group of Houston to perform the independent evaluation of PG&E's Smart Meters. Under it's $1.4 million contract, Structure was charged with determining if PG&E's Smart Meters are measuring, collecting and billing electric use accurately.

As part of its work, Structure performed accuracy tests on a random selection of already installed Smart Meters and conducted "side-by-side" meter tests, in which a second smart meter was installed at the homes of some customers. They also analyzed complaints from some customers who reported skyrocketing bills, looking at electric use patterns in the months before the Smart Meter was installed. And they tested some of the old, electromechanical meters that are being removed. Electromechanical meters use gears and dials, much like the mileage odometer on a car, and if worn down can under-report a household's electric use.

Consumer advocacy groups like TURN, The Utility Reform Network, had called for a moratorium on any new Smart Meter installations while the investigation was underway. But PG&E has installed 5.6 million to date, at a pace of about 10,000 a day, and remains on target to have 10 million installed by 2012.

Two vendors provide the meters for PG&E: General Electric and the Swiss company Landis+Gyr..

Redwood City-based Silver Spring Networks, a venture-backed company that has several of the nation's leading utility companies as its clients, provides the communications software.



張惠玲   2010/05/21


(Part 1 )

去年夏天前,PG&E寄來通知,要免費幫住戶換裝一個名為smart meter新電錶,這個電錶可以幫住戶調整用電量、省電云云。


沒多久,再次收到要求授權的信函,這次更好了,授權汰換還會奉上30還是50元的coupon!平常我們就不是貪小便宜的人,現在看到電商捧著鈔票拜託要免費幫你換,來省你家電費,真是情操偉大之至! 家裏的用電量本來就不多,冬暖夏涼的房子即便是夏天,冷氣開的次數也是屈指可數,基本上我們沒有耗電量大的這個問題!搞不懂這背後的意圖,還是決定繼續保持沉默。








於是州參議員介入了,要求PG&E要提出報告。PG&E之前堅稱只有「少數」用戶的Smart Meters計費有誤,前幾天公佈的調查報告中,終於承認有問題的電表數量可能高達5萬個。

(part 2) 前兩個月這間電力公司說要開始調整電費,因為北加州、中加州產業別不同,用電量不同,將對用電量少的提高基本電費。我心想,這是訴求節能省碳的時代耶,我有沒有看錯阿,這等於是在「懲罰省電、鼓勵耗電」?心理還是一絲懷疑?是我英文差還是記者誤值?

晚間新聞也對此報導大撻伐一番,證實了這個新聞。原來重裝電錶的目的,根本就是要讓公司更好的掌握大家的用電量! (part 3) 6月8日加州公職初選選票上,有五個附帶公民表決的提案,其中「提案16」為:「對地方公共電力提供機構規定三分之二選民批准的新要求。

憲法修正案動議」 這個提案把它「白話文」後就是說:如提案通過,地方政府使用公共資金或債券為新客戶、新地區提供電力,或社區選擇購買其它公司電力,如太陽能等,須經過三分之二選民投票批準。 這個提案無異是為加州「改用太陽能為電力來源」設下門檻!原來這提案就是PG&E 投入3500萬元護航,遊說產生的一個提案。阻斷地方政府有可能因推廣太陽能括分他的電力市場。